FastCopy-M 帮助 ver3.61 部分汉化,懒得继续汉化了

原著:2018/11/08 H.Shirouzu(白水啓章)
目前的汉化:2018/12/11 枫谷剑仙 (Mapaler)


1. 概述
2. 许可协议
3. 操作环境
4. 安装和卸载
5. 使用方法与主窗口
6. 选项
7. 命令行
8. 警告
9. 论坛支持/最新版本
10. 杂项(设置文件等)
11. 更新历史

1. 概述

FastCopy 是Windows上最快的文件复制和备份工具。





可以指定 包含/排除 筛选器 (UNIX通配符样式)。ver3.0 以后可以指定相对路径。

它运行快速,不会贪占资源,因为没有使用MFC。(仅使用Win32 API和C 运行时设计)

你可以修改这个软件,所有的源代码已根据GPL v3协议开放给公众。

ver3.0 以后, FastCopy的设置文件已由 FastCopy.ini 修改为 FastCopy2.ini

2. 许可协议

xxHash Library Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Yann Collet All rights reserved.
License details.

3. 运行环境

Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10
Windows 2008(&R2)/2012(&R2)/2016

4. 安装


请运行 setup.exe ,并将它安装到一个新的目录。
如果你想要安装到USB储存设备或绿色使用,只需要复制 fastcopy.exe 即可。 使用 /h 参数运行,可以查看安装选项。


Win 7及以上系统,可以通过“程序和功能”卸载。
或者你也可以运行位于安装目录中的 setup.exe 。
以 /r /silent 参数运行,可以静默卸载。

5. 使用方法与主窗口


来源 / 目标


差分复制(不覆盖) 不覆盖任何目标目录的重名文件。
差分复制(大小/日期) 如果重名,只复制文件大小和时间不同的文件。(默认)
差分复制(最新日期) 如果重名,保留时间最新的文件。
复制(覆盖) 普通复制,重名的都覆盖。
同步(大小/时间) 复制所有文件大小和时间不同,以及目标目录不存在的文件。 同时删除所有目标目录有但源目录没有的文件/目录。
移动(覆盖) 总是复制/覆盖所有并删除所有复制的源文件。
(可以在设置面板中切换“移动(覆盖)” -> “移动(大小/时间)”)
删除全部 强制删除所有文件/目录。


执行 执行复制操作。执行复制时,此按钮将变更为"取消..."按钮。
- 同时按下 Ctrl 键,将先显示一个操作确认对话框。
显示列表 显示将复制和删除的文件和目录列表。“+”表示复制,“-”表示删除。
- 同时按下 Ctrl 键(按钮文字变化“显示列表”→“显示列表 + V”)使用哈希算法对复制模式跳过的每一对文件(除了由筛选器跳过的)进行比较。
- 同时按下 Shift 键(如果启用了文件日志)将列表内容写入文件日志。(如果启用了日志设置中的 文件日期/文件大小 选项,这些信息也将会显示/写入)
缓存大小 显示I/O操作的主缓冲区的大小(MB)。单击将打开设置窗口
速度控制 有 “全速”、“自动降速”(*1)、"90%"~"10%"、"暂停" 等数个等级。
如果你觉得它占用资源,建议设置为“自动降速”(如果检测到鼠标移动,或更改了活动窗口 (且 FastCopy 窗口不是前台),则会减速)。
错误时继续 如果读取/写入/删除发生错误不会中断执行,保持尽可能多的文件操作。
校验 使用 xxHash (MD5/SHA-1/SHA-256)校验写入的文件数据。
(如果你想使用 MD5/SHA-1/SHA-256,可以在设置面板的
步骤详情: 读取(源) -> xxHash(源) -> 写入(目标) -> 读取(目标) -> xxHash(目标) -> 比较 xxHash(源/目标) (当然,所有的行为都尽可能地并行处理)

(根据设置的不同, 可以使用删除操作替代重命名操作)
预估 显示预计完成时间。这需要 FastCopy 在开始操作之前先计算原文件/目录的尺寸,会花费一定的时间。
立即开始 不等待其他 FastCopy 任务进度结束,立即开始。(其他 FastCopy 不处于复制状态时不会显示此按钮。) (同时运行)
(*1) 当检测到鼠标移动且 FastCopy 窗口不是前台时,复制速度将会变慢。原理是在I/O之间进行等待,改变进程优先级,改变I/O优先级,和改变最大I/O尺寸。

复制 ACL 权限 复制文件“访问控制表属性”(ACL, Access Control List)。 (仅应用于NTFS)
另外扩展属性(Extended Attribute, EA)也会被一起复制。
复制交换数据流 复制“交换数据流”(Alternate Stream)。 (仅应用于NTFS)
防止还原(覆写删除) 在删除之前重命名文件名并覆盖随机数据。交换数据流不会被覆盖。
如果设置了 NSA 方法,会先覆盖两次随机数据,再覆盖一次 NULL 数据。



包含 仅复制与指定字符串匹配的文件或目录 (允许 UNIX 通配符格式)。
包含过滤器字符串可以使用(UNIX 通配符格式)。(注解)
如果要指定两个或多个字符串, 请使用分号作为分隔符。
如果要指定目录, 请将“\”添加到目录名称的末尾。
(例如: *.txt; 我的文件夹 [0-9]\)
ver3.0 以后可以使用相对路径筛选器
排除 与指定字符串匹配时不复制该文件/文件夹。
选中“选项”->“显示扩展筛选器”时, 将启用以下筛选器。
开始日期 不复制时间戳早于指定日期的文件(格式).
这不仅可以通过绝对格式 (200903222016/09/26 12:30:56) 来指定, 还可以通过相对格式 (比如10天前: -10d) 来指定。
结束日期 不复制时间戳比指定日期更新的文件。
最小尺寸 不复制尺寸小于指定大小的文件。
可以用 K/M/G/T 字符 (Kilo/Mega/Giga/Tera缩写) 。
最大尺寸 不复制尺寸大于指定大小的文件。

注解 1) 删除模式时, 当在“包含”字段中指定“仅文件而非目录”时, 它不会删除目录。
注解 2) 在“包含”字段中指定一个或多个文件时, 不会复制不匹配的文件。
注解 3) 在“包含”字段中指定一个或多个目录时, 不会复制不匹配的目录。

相对路径筛选器 If the first character of Include/Exclude string items is not '\', it will be Relative path filter. This mode is tail matching policy.
Example of the directory Include
Match examples C:\dir\subdir2\xxx\
EffectMatched directories and all under them will be copied.
Example of the file Include
Match examples C:\dir\aaa\subdir2\file.txt
EffectMatched files will be copied.
正向匹配筛选器 If the start character of Include/Exclude string items is '\', it will be Forward match filter. This mode is head -> tail matching policy.
Example of the directory Include
Match examples C:\dir\subdir2\xxx\
EffectMatched directories and all under them will be copied.
Note (unmatch example)C:\dir\aaa\subdir2\xxx\ ... different hierarchy.
Example of the file Include
Match examples C:\dir\subdir2\file.txt
EffectMatched files will be copied.
Note (unmatch example)C:\dir\aaa\subdir2\file.txt ... different hierarchy.
筛选器的检查起点 If Source is either C:\src\, C:\src\file.txt or C:\src\dir*, the start point(beginning) of the filter check will be C:\src\

Include/Exclude filter(wildcard) format.
*Zero or more arbitrary characters
?One arbitrary character
[abc]One character in "abc"
[!abc]One character except "abc".
'^' can also be used instead of '!'.
[a-z]One character in ""
\'\' as Start character means Forward match filter. The middle of '\' is separator of path items. In addition, the end of '\' means "This is a filter item for directory". However, '\' in character class([]), it means escape character.

FromDate/ToDate filter format.
AbsoluteSpecify "YYYYMMDD[hhmmss]"(year/month/day/hours/minutes/seconds).
ex) "20090322" or "2016/09/26 12:30:56"
RelativeSpecify "+|- number W|D|h|m|s".
W|D|h|m|s means Weeks/Days/hours/minutes/seconds.
ex) "-12h" (This is case sensitive.)

目录链接和符号连接(Junction and SymLink)

Junction(include MountPoint) and Symlink is supported in ver1.70 or later.
Diff/Copy Copy Junction/Symlink itself.
If you want to change the copy Junction/Symlnk's target(not Junction/Symlnk itself), it can be changed in the options settings
Move Always move Junction/Symlink itself.
Delete Always delete Junction/Symlink itself.


HardLink can be reproduced as much as possible, when /linkdest option is specified. (in ver1.95 or later).
(The display of "TotalFiles:" changes from "number_of_files (number_of_dirs)" to "number_of_files / number_of_created_hardlinks (number_of_dirs)").

Two very important notes:
1. It needs 2-4MB per 10 thousand hardlink files. (It depends on path length)
2. The speed will drop, because all files are opended to obtain the number of links.

If /linkdest option is enabled, /recreate option is enabled tacitly.
If you want always to enable /linkdest option, write [main] linkdest=1 in FastCopy2.ini file.


6. 选项

选项 -> 常规设置

Main settings. (change Default values, I/O parameters, and Copy Options, etc.)


Specify default parameters for Main Window
Default parameters for Main WindowThe detail is this.
LanguageChange Language. (need to restart)

I/O 设置

fundamental parameter of I/O
Main Buffer (MB) Specify main buffer size for reading/writing.
I/O unit (MB)Parallel Read/Write request unit size for OS.
"I/O unit" * "OverLap I/O Num" is the (effective) Max I/O size for OS.
1MB I/O unit size is the best performance for many environments, especially if network drive is used.
(Buffer size must be at least twice the Max I/O Size)
OverLap I/O NumI/O performance(especially network drive) is improved by using overlapped ReadFile/WriteFile I/O.
(If it is specified "1", it will not be used overlapped I/O)
MinSectorSize is regarded as 4KB If destination drive are 512B sector HDD that has mounted 4KB sector HDD, please check this.

OS Cache settings
Use OS buffer for readingIt does not use DirectI/O. OS is likely to be slow/heavy, it can not be recommended.
Use OS buffer for writingIt does not use DirectI/O, if the filesize is under the specified size(KB)
The disadvantages are the same as for reading. It will be faster for only very small files that use Direct I/O because of less head seeking time.

Directory Fetch
Enable Large fetch mode (Win7 or later only)Enable FIND_FIRST_EX_LARGE_FETCH flag and improve directory fetch performance.


Settings of physical drive group (*1)
FastCopy detects physical drive group automatically. However, in some situation(RAID,TrueCrypt or etc.), it can not detect automatically and it requires manual settings.
Manual settings of physical drive group
AboutSpecify same physical drive group.
FormatIf C: and D: are the same physical HDD, and E: and F: are the same, please specify "CD,EF"
If you use UNC path, you can assign the drive letter for UNC or specify set decision policy below.

Physical drive group decision policy of network drive
DetailsNetwork drives are in the same physical HDD(or SSD) or not
This decision policy always uses UNC name even if it is specified as the drive letter that is a network drive (*2)
Same UNC_share are same physical drive group.If UNC name is \\Server1\vol1\, \\Server1\vol1\ is the same physical HDD group, and \\Server1\vol2\ is not the same.
Same UNC_server are same physical drive groupIf UNC name is \\Server1\vol1\, \\Server1\ is the same physical HDD group, and \\Server2\... is not the same.
All UNC_server are same physical drive groupAll Network drives are the same HDD group
(*1) If Parallel Read/Write are issued in the same physical HDD, it will be slow because many HDD head seeks will occur. So FastCopy has two running modes as same or diff HDD mode.
(*2) If your network bandwidth is not enough, it is recommended to choose "All UNC_server are same"


Specifying the number of parallel running FastCopy.
Max number of running FastCopy procs If a lot of of instances of FastCopy are running in parallel, it requires much memory and CPU resource.
If another FastCopy already running uses the same physical HDD, FastCopy will wait for the previous FastCopy to finish.
Manual settings physical drive group is available.
Don't wait for another FastCopy running to finish(Ignore the above settings) It always starts quickly.


Copy/Move options
Don't create empty directory, if "filter" is checked After using the filter, if there isn't a file for copying, FastCopy won't make directories.
Use a modified name, if destdir is the same as src's parent If DestDir is the same as src's parent directory, create a new name like "source(1)" and continue
Copy Junction/Symlink as Junction/Symlink(not target) Copy Junction/Symlink as Junction/Symlink.
If this check is off, it will be copy Junction/Symlink's target directory/file (*1)
(This option is ignored in "move" or "delete" mode)
Note: It requires administrator privilege to create Symlink
Change "Move(Overwrite)" to "Move(Date/Size)" If there is a file with the same date and size as the move destination, it is deleted from the move source without copying.
Move one by one Normally it won't delete original files until the move files list is full.
This option changes the behavior to "a file has copied, and remove copied source file"
Move one by one (verify) It is the same as "Move one by one" except "remove copied source files" -> "remove verified source files"
Tolerance at the timestamp comparisonSpecify tolerance timestamp difference as same date in Diff(Date/Size) or Diff(Newer).
Normally, FastCopy corrects timestamp difference on the different filesystem(NTFS timestamp precision is 100ns, FAT is 2sec or etc.), automatically.
However, some NAS timestamp precision is very strange, so manual settings(in msec) are available.
Hash mode (for verify) Select Hash mode (xxHash/MD5/SHA-1/SHA-256) for verifying.
If a verify error occurs,
delete the file instead of renaming to .fc_verify_err
(Same as left)
(*1)For example, "C:\Users\(user)\AppData\Local\Application Data" points to "C:\Users\(user)\AppData\Local". If you try to copy this with "Copy Junction/Symlink as Junction/Symlink" disabled, it will infinitely recurse. (C:\Users\(user)\AppData\Local\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\...). Therefore, be careful when you disable "Copy Junction/Symlink as Junction/Symlink".


Delete options.
Try to delete directory, even if "Filter" is checked. By default, it does not delete directory, if "Filter" is checked.
If it is checked, it always tries to delete directories. (attention)
Use NSA method for Wipe & Delete option If "Wipe & Delete" option is used, it is overwritten 3 times (random-data 2 times and zero-data 1 time), before renaming and deleting


Log Settings
Number of history items for Source/DestDirneed to restart FastCopy
Write to Error logLogging error message to FastCopy.log
Use UTF-8 in ErrlogUsing UTF-8 character in FastCopy.log. Otherwise using MBCS.
Write to File LogCreating Log\(date).log and logging to all copied/deleted/error files.
FileDateLogging file timestamp
FileSizeLogging file size
Write ACL errors to Error LogSometimes, many errors will occur in non NTFS (Samba, or etc.)
Write AltStream errors to Error LogSometimes, many errors will occur in non NTFS (Samba, or etc.)

The meaning of the symbols in the log.
+Create file / directory
-Delete file / directory
->Create Symblic-link/Junction
=>Create Hardlink
!!Verify error (mismatch of hash value)


Enable/Disable Shell Extension
If it is started by normally user, it will be a personal shell extension. If it is started by administrator privileges, it will be all users shell extension.


Use taskbar instead of task notification area at minimizing


Misc settings.
Update check at startupUpdate check if arg is not specified
Confirm before executingConfirming
Info Update SpanInformation Update Span can be specified.
Balloon Notification at the finishEnable balloon notification at the finish, if it is minimized.
Prevent auto sleep during copyingPrevent auto sleep(by OS) during copying.
(Note: If an error dialog is shown, FastCopy doesn't prevent auto sleep)
English UI(It has no effect in English OS) English UI mode will be set. In order for English UI to take effect, you need to restart FastCopy

选项 -> 字体设置 -> 改变/还原主界面字体

Change/Reset Main information font in Main Window.
It is recommended to use fixed pitch font.

选项 -> 自动/相同/不同硬盘模式

Specify Auto/Same/Diff HDD mode(default: Auto).
CTL + K shortcut toggles between disk modes (auto -> same -> diff ->...)

选项 -> 任务完成后

Select Post-Process.
Allows user to change default settings (sound, command, and standby/hibernate/shutdown) after copy process/execution is complete. Also, user can add new Post-Process settings.
Post-Process Window
ActionNameBy default, Normal/Standby/Hibernate/Shutdown are ready.
New actions can be created.
Play SoundPlay sound at finish
Only play, if error occurred option is available.
Execute commandSpecify commands at finish.
Execute at Always/no error/error" can be specified.
If "Wait for Finish" is checked, FastCopy won't execute standby/hibernate/shutdown until finishing commands.
Before executing to standby/hibernate/shutdown mode, FastCopy shows count down(60sec) dialog that has a "cancel" button.
If another FastCopy is running, FastCopy will wait for it to finish and start to count down.
GraceThe count-down time can be specified.
Don't execute, if error occurred.execute only if succeeded

选项 -> 显示扩展筛选器

Show Extended Filter(timestamp/size filter)

选项 -> 来源⇄目标目录 交换

Swap Source for DestDir (for mutual update or etc.).
Source/DestDir will be modified based on
different behavior whether the end of DestDir character is '\' or not. (For example, If Source is "C:\AAA\BBB" and DestDir is "D:\CCC\", then Source becomes "D:\CCC\BBB" and DestDir becomes "C:\AAA\")
If Source has two or more files/directories, this menu item is disabled.
CTL+ALT+S is shortcut of this function.

工作管理 -> 保存/更新/删除工作

Register/Restore parameters in main window as named job.
Add/Modify Add/Modify parameters in main window(Source/DestDir, Operation mode, Buffer size, Nonstop/Verify/Estimate/ACL/AltStream/Wipe&Delete/Filter checkboxes, Filter strings, HDD mode) as named job.
Delete Delete registered job.
Open "Windows Task Scheduler" Open "Windows Task Scheduler".
(Only shortcut. FastCopy doesn't have any function for windows task scheduler)

7. 命令行

A basic format is as follows.

FastCopy.exe [/options] file1 file2 ... [/to=dest_dir]

The separate character is space(' ') in command line mode. (not semicolon).
If filename contains space character, please enclose with double quotation marks.
Ex) fastopy.exe C:\Windows "C:\Program Files" /to="D:\Backup Folder\"
If /to= option is used, it must be described as the last parameter.
If you want to wait to finish, please use "start /wait ..." command.
Ex) start "" /wait FastCopy.exe [/options]...

Supported options are as follows. (Please do not put space characters before and behind "=")

  | diff
  | update
  | force_copy
  | sync
  | move
  | delete)
Specify operation mode. (By default, diff mode is used.
 If delete mode is specified, then "/to=desit_dir" is not used.)
cmdlinein GUI
noexist_onlyDiff (No Overwrite)
diffDiff (Size/date)
updateDiff (update)
force_copyCopy (Overwrite)
syncSync (Size/date)
moveMove (Overwrite)
/auto_closeClose automatically after execution is finished with no errors.
/force_closeClose automatically and forcibly after execution is finished.
/open_windowIt will not be stored in the task notification area.
/estimateEstimate complete time.(to disable, /estimate=FALSE)
/balloon(=FALSE)Show balloon notification at finish. (to disable, /balloon=FALSE)
/no_uiDialog box will not be shown. This is for background tasks. If /no_ui is used, /no_confirm_del /no_confirm_stop /force_close are set automatically. If FastCopy runs in session 0 (e.g. running with task scheduler), /no_ui is set automatically. However even if /no_ui is set, standby/hibernate/shutdown countdown dialog will not be prevented.
/no_confirm_delDon't confirm before deleting.
/no_confirm_stopDon't show error dialog, even if critical errors occur.
/no_execDon't start to execute.
/error_stopShow error dialog (and operation is interrupted), if an error occurs. (to disable, /error_stop=FALSE)
/bufsize=N(MB)Specify the size(MB) of the main buffer for Read/Write operation.
/logWrite the operation/errors information to the logfile(FastCopy.log). (to disable, /log=FALSE)
/logfile=filenameSpecify the filename of logfile.
/filelogWrite to the filelog(detail of copy/delete files). It is stored TIMESTAMP.log in FastCopy/Log directory. If using verify mode, write digest data as additional data. (To specify filelogname, /filelog=filename)
/utf8Write to the logfile using UTF-8 encoding (supports Unicode).
/skip_empty_dirSkip to create empty directories when /include or /exclude option is used. (to disable, /skip_empty_dir=FALSE)
/job=job_nameSpecify the job that is already registered.
/force_start(=N)Start at once without waiting for the finish of other FastCopy executing. (/force_start=2-N ... specify number of max parallel process)
/disk_mode=(auto|same|diff)Specify Auto/Same/Diff HDD mode. (default: Auto)
Specify speed control level.
/srcfile="files.txt"Specify source files by textfile. User is able to describe 1 filename per line. (Attention:We don't recommend specifying a lot of files
/srcfile_w="files.txt"same as "/srcfile=", except describing by UNICODE.
/include="..."Specify Include filter. (details)
/exclude="..."Specify Exclude filter. (details)
/from_dateSpecify oldest timestamp filter. (details)
/to_dateSpecify newest timestamp filter. (details)
/min_size="..."Specify minimum size filter. (details)
/max_size="..."Specify maximum size filter. (details)
/wipe_delRename filename and wipe(overwrite Random data) before deleting.
/aclCopy ACL/EA (only NTFS)(to disable, /acl=FALSE)
/streamCopy Alternate Stream (only NTFS) (to disable, /stream=FALSE)
/reparseCopy junction/mountpoint/symlink itself(to disable, /reparse=FALSE) (details)
/verifyVerify written files data by xxHash(MD5/SHA-1/SHA-256) (to disable, /verify=FALSE) (details)
/linkdestReproduce hardlink as much as possible. (details)
/recreateChange updating behavior "overwrite the target" to "delete and recreate the target". (If /linkdest option is enabled, this option is enabled by default.) If you want always to enable, write [main] recreate=1 in FastCopy2.ini.
/postproc=action_nameSpecify post-process action name (to disable, /postproc=FALSE)
Ex) Copy C:\Test Folder to D:\Backup Folder by "diff(Size/Date)" mode is...
  FastCopy.exe /cmd=diff "C:\Test Folder" /to="D:\Backup Folder\"

Exit status code) Command is succeeded: 0, or failed: -1

8. 警告

9. 最新版本/联系方式(官方原版)

10. 杂项

11. 更新历史

v3.61 Fixed an issue that when ACL/AltStream is enabled, they are not copied correctly. (v3.60 only)
v3.60 Add multi-threading for opening source files. (Big effect for network drive)
Fix to reflect timestamp for WevDAV(for OneDrive).
Prevent hardlink errors for non NTFS drive.
v3.53-v3.54 Speed control designation more accurately.
Slightly improved performance in the same HDD mode.
Fixed problem that shell extension does not work. (v3.53 only)
v3.52 Change hash default to xxHash.
xxHash 3 to 4 times faster verification calculation speed (Eliminate verification processing neck in 1 ~ 2 GB/s or more environment).
Add /SILENT options etc to the installer (check with /h option).
v3.51 Add verify error behavior option (deleting error-file instead renaming to .fc_verify_err).
Fix include/exclude filter problem. (if same dir and file names was specified in the filter, only last same name entry was enabled).
Misc refine.
v3.50 In the Source selection dialog, it can be selected files and dirs simultaneously.
Improved network drive performance by adaptively changing the I/O size and async I/O issue number.
(With a high latency network drive, it is twice or more faster than Explorer and older version)
When minimizing, if the icon is hidden in the task notification area, display it on the task bar.
Fixed the exit code did not become -1 on error.
Improve settings (add actions at minimized, shell extensions, etc.)
Change to 1 file installer and add "Expland" button to installer.
Output a dump at exception.
To be uninstallable via "application and function".
Represent the completion status in the color at the top of the icon.(Green: complete, red: error)
Changed the Official website to
v3.41 Modify I/O parameters and improve performance for network drive
Add update check at startup. (It can be changed in Settings -> Misc)
Fix not to show copy mode option when delete mode is selected.
Reduce the occurrence of the"Not empty" error when directories are deleted. (OS is the cause)
Fix incorrect same/different drive judgement for the volume using two or more physical HDDs.
Misc refine.
v3.40 Add Update Check (Menu -> Help -> Check Update).
Support multi-line input in Source Edit Control.
Improve estimating precision. (Investigate not only source but also destination)
Change default action of Source button. (It shows FileSelection Dialog as default. It can be changed in Settings -> Misc)
Support to enable/disable Large Fetch option. (Settings -> I/O Settings)
v3.32 Fix an exception that occurred when opening the AboutDialog.
Fix to interpret BOM that is specified by /srcfile_w option.
v3.31 Increase initial main buffer size(x64:128MB -> 256MB, x86:64MB -> 128MB).
Increase maximum attributes buffer size (x64:1GB -> 8GB).
Increase path buffer size for verify/move (x64:8MB -> 128MB) and configurations can be made by fastcopy2.ini (max_movesize/max_digestsize).
Change setting tolerance of timestamp(ms) to 64bit (max 23days -> unlimit).
Use NOBUFFERING flag even if it is a network file when the file is big.
Allow BOM in the specified files by /srcfile= or /srcfile_w= options.
Improve buffer separation policy.
Take a measure for DLL preload attack.
v3.30 Add xxHash option for verify.
Add file creation mode (experimental).
Fixed a problem that only the deepest filter was used if multiple filters with different depth were specified.
Fix same/diff network drive detection.
Misc refine.
Old versions summary (detail information is
- v3.27
Overlapped I/O, Relative path filter, Optimize for parallel running, Change license to GPLv3
Support UserMode(not Admin) Shell Extension.
Improve speed for listing directory entries. (using FIND_FIRST_EX_LARGE_FETCH for high-latency environment or huge number of directory entries)
Add SHA-256 to Verify Mode
v2.00 JobMng, Interpret Symlink, Simple compare, ACL/AltStrem, Speed Control
v1.001.00 release (2005/03/10)
v0.50First alpha release (2004/09/27)