智龙迷城急速阵型 使用技巧 Tips of Puzzle & Dragons Dash Formation

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  1. 选择你的语言(没有人帮忙,所以中文以外的都不保证翻译质量) Choose your language(No one helps, so the quality of the translation is not guaranteed outside of Chinese)
  2. 选择你的游戏服务器。 Choose your Game server.
等待下载游戏数据,直到出现数据更新时间。 Wait for the game data to be downloaded until the data update time appears.
单击一个位置,进入这个位置的编辑窗口。 Click on a slot to go to the slot's editing window.
  1. 输入卡片 ID,跳转到对应的卡片。 Enter the card ID to jump to the corresponding card.
  2. 点击各处需要修改的地方,如果您玩过游戏,应该能很快理解。 Click on the places where you need to make changes, and if you've played the game, you should be able to understand it quickly.
  3. 点击完成,这个位置就编辑好了。 Click Done, and the slot will be edited.
可以在编辑界面的文本搜索处输入怪物名称标签来搜索卡片。 You can search for card by entering the Monster Name or Tags in the string search of the editing interface.
可以在特殊搜索处增加多个过滤器以进行组合搜索。 Multiple filters can be added to the special search for a combined search.
拖拽卡片头像即可快速交换位置,也支持手机触屏。 Drag card avatars to quickly swap member's positions, also supports mobile touch screen.
按住 Ctrl ,或手机上使用顶部的开关可以切换到复制模式。 Hold down Ctrl, or use the switch at the top on your phone to switch to copy mode.

分享 Share

通过网址分享和收藏队伍 Share and collect teams by URL

直接复制网址即可分享组队或自己添加收藏夹保存。 Copy the URL directly to share the Formation, or add a Bookmark to collect.
为了更方便的分享,你可以使用任意第三方短网址服务进一步缩短网址。 For easier sharing, you can further shorten your URL using any third-party Short URL Service. Like, bitly.

二维码分享 Share by QR Code

可以使用摄像头读取队伍二维码。 You can use the camera to read the Formation QR code.
读取到的队伍会显示为链接。 The read Formation appears as a link.
目前可以读取: Currently can read:

  1. PDC 的二维码 PDC format QR code
  2. 本程序自有格式的二维码 This program's own format QR code
  3. 本程序网址链接的二维码 QR code of this program's URL

与 PADDB 进行数据交换 Data exchange with PADDB

由于 PADDB 跨域,您需要在用户脚本管理器内安装此辅助脚本以支持此功能。 Because PADDB is cross-domain, you need to install this helper script within the User Script Manager to support this feature.

导入 PADDB 队伍 Import PADDB team

上传自己的队伍 Upload your own team
或者在队伍模板里搜索其他人的队伍 Or search for someone else's party in the Team Templates
复制上传后的队伍链接 Copy the uploaded Team URL
打开二维码与数据交换功能,粘贴队伍链接并读取 Turn on the QR code and Data Exchange feature, paste the team link and read it
读取到的队伍会显示为链接 The read Formation appears as a link

将队伍上传到 PADDB Upload the Team to PADDB

打开二维码与数据交换功能,在下方输入用户名与密码。 Turn on the QR code and Data Exchange feature, Enter your user ID and password below.
PADDB 数据上传区
没有输入队伍链接时,将会上传队伍,并获得一个可被你的账号密码编辑的新的队伍链接。如果有,则会更新当前连接的队伍数据到你的链接。 If you do not enter a team link, the team will be uploaded and a new team link will be obtained that can be edited by your account password. If so, the currently team data is updated to the link.
你可以在队伍模板里看到你的队伍 You can see your team in the team template
或者通过浏览器打开队伍链接,也可以跳转到 PADDB 内(部分浏览器可能不支持) Or open the team link in your phone browser, which will jump to PADDB (some browsers may not support it)

注意: Note:

  1. PADDB 目前只支持单人游戏队伍。 PADDB currently only supports solo team.
  2. PADDB 不需要注册账号,填写任意的名称和密码即可。
    用户名与密码没有唯一性,比如:账号: 枫谷剑仙,密码: 1234;账号: 枫谷剑仙,密码: abcd,都可以成功上传,但是两个队伍链接需要用不同的密码才能编辑。
    注意密码是明文保存在 PADDB 服务器上,不要使用自己其他账号的密码。
    PADDB does not need to pre-register an account, just use any ID and password.
    ID and passwords are not unique, for example: ID: mapaler, PASS: 1234; ID: mapaler, PASS: abcd,both can be successfully uploaded, but the two team links need different passwords to edit.
    Note that the password is stored in plaintext on the PADDB server, do not use the password of your other account.

  3. 没有正确的用户名和密码你无法修改 PADDB 上其他用户的队伍,但是可以导入本程序后全新上传为自己的并修改。 You cannot modify another user's team on PADDB without the correct ID and password, but you can import to this program and upload as your own and modify them.

编辑技巧 Editing tips

搜索图鉴 Search cards

绑定箱子 Bind Box

如果你使用我的箱子功能打开你的游戏数据,你将会获得如下功能。 If you use the My Box feature to open your game data, you will get the following features.

如何得到我的游戏数据? How to get my Game Data?

你保存的数据全部存于浏览器的本地 IndexedDB 内,不会被上传到服务器,因此更换浏览器就需要重新打开数据。 All of the data you save is stored in your browser's local IndexedDB and will not be uploaded to the server, so changing your browser will require you to reopen the data.

文字的高级功能 Advanced of text detail

Currently, you can edit your team descriptions directly using the rich text editing feature.
Since I'm just an amateur developer, there will be a lot of bugs, and you can always switch to code mode for more detailed editing.


其他 Others

报告BUG Report BUG

如果发现 BUG,请先按 Ctrl+F5 强制刷新,并点击数据更新时间按钮强制更新数据。
如仍存在问题可以在 Github Issues 报告。
If a BUG is found, first test again after force refresh by Ctrl-F5, then click the Data Update Time button to force update the data.
If there is still a problem, you can report it at the Github Issues.

程序源代码 Source Code

你可以在 GitHub 找到源代码。 You can find the source code at GitHub.